Discussion on Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia with TAG Jambi at ITDC Bali
Berita Discussion on Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia with TAG Jambi at ITDC Bali

Diposting Oleh fransisco | Terakhir diperbarui Senin, 12 Februari 2024

On February 15, 2024, the Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC Bali) witnessed an inspiring discussion on the sustainable development of tourism in Indonesia. TAG Jambi, a former commissioner of ITDC for 11 years, led this dialogue in Nusa Dua. The discussion became a major highlight with the presence of ITDC Bali's General Manager, Mr. I Gusti Ngurah Ardita, and several other key figures from ITDC, including Ms. I Made Purnama Damayanthi.

The event was part of a series of activities by TAG Jambi in Bali. A day later, on February 16, 2024, TAG delivered a keynote lecture at Poltekpar Bali on a highly relevant topic, "Current Issues on Tourism Development." Wearing Jambi batik, he imparted valuable insights to the attending students.

Additionally, the Special Advisor to the Governor of Jambi, Mr. Thamrin B. Bachri, also contributed to the discussion. Alongside Tantowi Yahya, former Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand and President of Unity in Diversity, they discussed the issue of decarbonization, adding an important dimension to environmental sustainability in tourism development.

The event took place at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Centre (BNDCC) on February 12, 2024, providing a valuable moment as TAG Jambi shared his experiences. When asked about the key to being an inspirational speaker at an older age, TAG sincerely replied, "I will do my best with whatever I have left" and "Allah is Sufficient." These words reflect the spirit and wisdom of a University of Wisconsin, USA alumnus.

After the discussion, TAG Jambi, along with the GM of ITDC Bali, the director of ITDC Bali, and employees, concluded their meeting with enthusiasm. TAG Jambi's presence in this series of events provided a positive boost to efforts to maintain sustainable tourism development in Indonesia.

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