Bukit Khayangan, Sungai Penuh, Kerinci

Khayangan Hill


Bukit Khayangan is located at an altitude of around 2,000 meters above sea level (masl), or more than half the height of Mount Kerinci which is at 3,805 masl. When visiting this place in the morning, you will feel like you are above the clouds because the area around Bukit Khayangan will be covered in thick fog, so the view of the city and Lake Kerinci will not be visible due to the fog. The same goes for the evening. The Bukit Khayangan tourist object is located in Renah Kayu Embum Village, Kumun Debai District, Sungai Penuh City, Jambi Province. The entrance fee to Bukit Khayangan is IDR 4,000 for adults and IDR 3,000 for children. In Bukit Khayangan, there is a two-level viewing tower, several selfie spots, a mosque, toilets, as well as food and beverage stalls.




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